Did DRACULA copy ANOTHER vampire from a DIFFERENT book?
Dracula is one of the most famous monsters in literature! But does what we remember about Dracula actually come from ANOTHER vampire from a DIFFERENT book altogether?
‘Dracula’—adding music to a silent classic
The first sound film adapting Bram Stoker’s novel, 1931’s Dracula did not offer a film score. In the late-1990s, Universal asked Philip Glass to compose a new score for Dracula for the DVD release.
Count Dracula: 13 Versions—From Dizzy to Daring
The title character from Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel Dracula has been popular over time, and appearing in so many adaptations, riffs, and parodies in all kind of media.
Dracula: Complete Universal Monsters Movies
Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula has enthralled generations with the most famous vampire in literature. We talk about the original novel, about Bela Lugosi’s classic portrayal on screen, and offer a complete list of classic Universal Monsters movies with Dracula.
Monster Mash: 13 Movies Where Frankenstein Meets Dracula Meets The Wolf Man
Read on for a list of 13 monster movies that feature some combination of Frankenstein’s monster, Count Dracula, the Wolf Man, and assorted vampires, werewolves, mummies, and more.
Universal Monsters Movies: The Original Shared Cinematic Universe
As Universal Studios latched onto iconic franchise characters that could carry a series, soon came the urge to have the various monsters meet up.