Where to Buy Your Books (That’s Not Amazon)
You have more options where to buy your books.
With Bookshop.org and Libro.fm helping local bookstores, we thought this a good time for a whole list of places to buy your books (in various formats).
Here are several links to help you find a bunch of different booksellers—including Bookshop (which sells physical AND eBooks) and Libro.fm (which sells audiobooks). Plus more choices, including booksellers specializing in horror, SF, Fantasy, and more…
Related links:
Places to buy your urban fantasy, horror, science fiction, fantasy, comics, manga (and more kinds of) books
Online bookstores that support your local independent bookseller
Bookshop.org (physical books AND eBooks)
Libro.fm (audiobooks)
Also selling books (in various formats)
Find more places to buy books
The best alternatives to Amazon for e-books and audiobooks (Washington Post)
Bookstores specializing in Horror (Biblio)
Bookstores specializing in Science Fiction & Fantasy (Biblio)
Bookstores specializing in Sci-Fi (Biblio)
Bookstores specializing in Fantasy (Biblio)
The Nine Best Audiobook Services in 2025 (Lifehacker)
5 Audible alternatives audiobook lovers should check out (Fast Company)
Bookshop supports local booksellers with books AND eBooks
Bookshop.org promotes local booksellers. Every purchase on the site financially supports independent bookstores and helps them maintain their presence in local communities.
And now the online platform also allows indie bookstores to sell eBooks! Browse and buy eBook titles from Bookshop.org—and then read them in the web browser or on the iPhone or Android apps. Links to articles about the eBook launch below:
Now eBooks can support your local bookstore: “This is the missing piece we’ve all been waiting for.” (StudioWell)
Bookshop.org’s CEO on Taking the Fight to Amazon With eBooks (PYMNTS)
Bookshop.org Now Sells Ebooks (Wired)
Bookshop.org launches Kindle alternative, sends e-book sales to local bookstores (USA TODAY)
Bookshop.org, Turning 5 Years Old, Adds an Ebook Platform (Publishing Perspectives)
Bookshop.org challenges Amazon with new e-book platform (TechCrunch)
Bookshop.org’s new eBook store taking on Amazon’s stranglehold on the market (Gizmodo)
Now indie bookstores can sell eBooks: “This launch represents our commitment to bookstores and their communities.” (Retail Dive)
Related links
Amazon is stripping away your ability to download your ebooks. (Literary Hub)
Authors push back on the growing number of AI 'scam' books on Amazon (NPR)
Download your Kindle books ASAP - before Amazon kills this feature next week (ZDNet)
7 reasons to ditch Audible for Libro.fm (Pocket-lint)
Why We Love Libro.fm (and How to Get Five Free Audiobooks) (Paste Magazine)