Monster Complex Online Convention

Day Three

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Today’s events—click on a title to go directly to that item:

Ghostbusters or Men in Black? | Choose which company you’d rather work for!
Killing Vampires and The Beast Within | Conversation with author Faith Hunter (Jane Yellowrock series)
Can You Match The Actress To the Monster Movie She Was In? | Show us your monster movie knowledge.
Procedurals in a World of Magic | Conversation with author N.E. Conneely (Witch’s Path series)
Which Would You Want: Mogwai from Gremlins or Ewoks from Star Wars? | How hard is this choice?
Terror in Space: 15 Horror Movies Set In Outer Space | Movies that combine horror and science fiction
Can You Name These Supernatural Comics Characters? | Show us how many you recognize.
Mythology Vs Alternate History | Conversation with author Jennifer Meinking (Loki of Midgard series)
Which Of These Aliens Would You Hang Out With? | Let us know your favorite friendly extraterrestrials!
Monster Mash: Movies With Dracula, Wolf Man, and Frankenstein | 13 monster movies with more than one monster!
Urban Fantasy Quiz | Can you match the author with the series?
The Scariest Doctor Who Episode Ever? | “The episode that ruined my childhood.”
Share A Picture | What books are stacked on your nightstand?
Monster Complex Spotlight Authors | | Meet these authors from the worlds of horror, urban fantasy, and speculative fiction!
Zombie Showcase | Recent Monster Complex articles featuring zombie books and movies

Click here for entire convention list.

Ghostbusters or Men in Black?

Choose which company you’d rather work for!

Killing Vampires and The Beast Within

Conversation with author Faith Hunter (Jane Yellowrock series)


NYT Bestselling author Faith Hunter has written more than 40 books in a variety of genres, including urban fantasy, thrillers, and mysteries. Her Jane Yellowrock novels are part of a dark urban fantasy series starring a Cherokee shape-shifter and vampire-hunter-for-hire.

The latest novel in the Jane Yellowrock series is SHATTERED BONDS: Following a devastating battle with an ancient enemy,  Jane seeks retreat in the Appalachian Mountains to grieve the loss of her friends, and to heal–or to die–from the disease brought on by her magic. But malevolent elements in the paranormal community still seek to destroy Jane, even in the safety of the hills. With nowhere to run and her body failing, the rogue-vampire hunter and her inner Beast must discover a way to defeat this new threat, and find a form that gives her a chance to fight another day.

In this interview, Faith…

  • share how Jane Yellowrock has grown as a character over the past dozen-plus books…

  • explains why she doesn’t write sex scenes…

  • and reveals how she’ll know when it’s time to end the series.

Find Faith Hunter Online

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Can You Match The Actress To the Monster Movie She Was In?

Show us your monster movie knowledge.

Procedurals in a World of Magic

Conversation with author N.E. Conneely (Witch’s Path series)


Author N.E. Conneely writes three series that combine elements of magic and the fantastic with procedural stories—the Witch’s Path Series, Kelsey Pine: Urban Necromancer, and The Earth Born Cycle.

Her latest book in the Witch’s Path series is A Witch’s Magic: Michelle thought ridding the world of demons would return her life to the relative peace that existed before she knew demons were more than legend. Only everywhere she turns, magic seems to be going wrong. Now she’s facing a Trial by Magic, and her future as the next premier is in jeopardy. Is she witch enough to lead the clans?

In this interview, we discuss…

  • stories set in that intersection between magic and the everyday world

  • what her three series have in common

  • and the surprising reason she began writing magic procedurals in the first place.

Find N.E. Conneely Online

@ Monster Complex

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Which Would You Want: Mogwai or Ewoks?

Cuddly and creepy—how hard is this choice?

Terror in Space: 15 Horror Movies Set In Outer Space

Movies that combine horror and science fiction

In the history of cinema, the terrors of outer space have been explored on screen for decades—ranging from the inherent dangers of space travel to the horrors of what we may find out there. Click through to find 15 movies—and (bonus!) one book—that combine elements of horror and science fiction to create scary stories set in outer space. Click HERE to see the list!

Can You Name These Supernatural Comics Characters?

Show us how many you recognize.

Mythology Vs Alternate History

Conversation with author Jennifer Meinking (Loki of Midgard series)


Author Jennifer Meinking is a doggedly determined mom with an overactive imagination, a thirst for adventure, and a life that is rarely boring. She writes the Loki of Midgard books, a historical fantasy series which follows Loki on Earth during the Roaring Twenties, featuring adventure and clean romance.

In this interview, Jennifer and I discuss…

  • the nature of alternate history stories

  • how her version of Loki compares to other iterations of the mythological character

  • and the crazy number of spinoffs she has planned.

Find Jennifer Meinking Online

@ Monster Complex

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Which Of These Aliens Would You Hang Out With?

Let us know your favorite friendly extraterrestrials!

Monster Mash: Movies With Dracula, Wolf Man, and Frankenstein

13 monster movies with more than one monster!

From the 1920s through to the 1950s, Universal Studios was the go-to place for classic monster movies. However, as they latched onto franchise characters that could carry a film series, soon came the urge to have the various monsters meet up. So they did—to varying degrees of success. And that trend has continued over the decades! Read on for a list of 13 monster movies that feature some combination of Frankenstein’s monster, Count Dracula, the Wolf Man, and assorted vampires, werewolves, mummies, and more. Click HERE for the whole list!

Urban Fantasy Quiz

Can you match the author with the series?

The Scariest Doctor Who Episode Ever?

“The episode that ruined my childhood.”

There are so many Doctor Who episodes that can be a bit terrifying. For YouTuber Harbo Wholmes, the episode that stands out in his childhood memory is Steven Moffat’s first episode, the infamous two-parter that starts with “The Empty Child.” All these years later, let’s revisit it and see how it holds up.

Harvey Williams of Harbo Wholmes tells Monster Complex that he started his series of thought-provoking Doctor Who essays as a kind of lark:

“I’d tried for a couple of years to get big on YouTube in different styles, but nothing caught on. I decided to just give up trying to ‘get big’ and make something I enjoyed without caring about views. I watch a lot of video essays and documentary style YouTube channels like Defunctland, Summoning Salt, and RedLetterMedia, so I ended up deciding to make some of my own. My first few videos essays about the Daleks in the Russell T. Davies era really lit a spark for me and I just ended up making more and more because I enjoy talking about the show! I also decided to create my ‘Defending the Despised’ series because I like a lot of episodes people hate, so I wanted to create a platform to tell people, ‘Hey, maybe these aren’t so bad after all.” But I only defend episodes I personally like!”

Harvey’s Doctor Who fandom leans heavily toward the revival series:

“Being just the right age to grow up with the revived run of Doctor Who, I'll always have a soft spot for the Russell T. Davies era. I have a lot of nostalgia for it but revisiting it as an adult it still has an incredible appeal to it with a lot of tight, intelligent storytelling and brilliantly made episodes and great acting all round. Series 2 is shaky but Series 1, 3 and 4 are almost flawless! I also very much love the Peter Capaldi era, he’s become my favourite Doctor as I enjoyed the partnership of him and Clara, along with the exploration of how it was toxic and brought out the worst of them both. I think Steven Moffat did a really great job with the Capaldi era, making the show more morally grey and introspective. I know a lot of people hate that period of the show, but I love the direction it took and it really struck a chord with me because of what I was going through in my personal life at the time.”

Find Harbo Wholmes Online

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Monster Complex Spotlight Authors

Learn more about these noteworthy authors from the horror, speculative, urban fantasy, and related genres.