Ep 02: The Legacy of SUPERNATURAL: Dr. Lynn S. Zubernis
Dr. Lynn S. Zubernis is a clinical psychologist, a university professor—and a passionate fangirl. She fell in love with the television show Supernatural, discovered the wild and wonderful world of fandom, and has never looked back. Her writing celebrates all the positive things that come with being a fan—inspiration, creativity, self-expression, validation, and a support system that extends across the globe.
On the website Fangasm, Professor Zubernis and her colleagues cover the fan phenomena that surrounds the show Supernatural. Lynn has also written several works on the topic—including her latest book, There'll Be Peace When You Are Done: Actors and Fans Celebrate the Legacy of Supernatural.
In this interview, Lynn and I talk about how an academic got pulled into the world of Supernatural, what makes this show stand out over so many of its type, and the pros and the cons of being an academic who is also a fan.
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