Ep 05: Monster Mash | 13 Movies With Universal Monsters


From the 1920s through to the 1950s, Universal Studios was the go-to place for classic monster movies. However, as they latched onto franchise characters that could carry a film series, soon came the urge to have the various monsters meet up. So they did—to varying degrees of success.

Listen to the episode for a list of 13 monster movies that feature some combination of Frankenstein’s monster, Count Dracula, the Wolf Man, and assorted vampires, werewolves, mummies, and more. (PS - There’s a BONUS movie on the list that came in at the last minute!)

Chris Well

Chris Well been a writer pretty much his entire life. (Well, since his childhood.) Over the years, he has worked in newspapers, magazines, radio, and books. He now is the chief of the website Monster Complex, celebrating monster stories in lit and pop culture. He also writes horror comedy fiction that embraces Universal Monsters, 1960s sitcoms, 1980s action movies, and the X-Files.


I’ll Say Your Name on Monster Complex!


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