Ep 06: Jessica Cage | Bringing Diversity to Diverse Genres


As a little girl, urban fantasy author Jessica Cage wondered why there were no black vampires, werewolves, and fairies in the stories she read. Today, she’s an award winning, best-selling author who can do something about that. Her many books include the Siren series, her post-apocalyptic Djinn Rebellion series, the Alphas werewolf series, High Arc Vampires, and her mythology-infused Scorned by the Gods series.

Monster Complex recently posted an interview with Ms. Cage about her Djinn Rebellion series–but the more time I spent on her author website, and the more of her books that I checked out, the more questions I had. So rather than keep hounding her with follow-up emails, we hopped on a Zoom call so that I could ask her about every book she has ever written.

In this conversation, Jessica shares the childhood questions that inspired some of her series, explains how she portrays diversity in her fiction, and reveals which series her mom complains about.

Chris Well

Chris Well been a writer pretty much his entire life. (Well, since his childhood.) Over the years, he has worked in newspapers, magazines, radio, and books. He now is the chief of the website Monster Complex, celebrating monster stories in lit and pop culture. He also writes horror comedy fiction that embraces Universal Monsters, 1960s sitcoms, 1980s action movies, and the X-Files.


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