Ep 08: N.E. Conneely | Procedurals in a World of Magic
Author N.E. Conneely writes three series that combine elements of magic and the fantastic with procedural stories—the Witch’s Path Series, Kelsey Pine: Urban Necromancer, and The Earth Born Cycle.
Her latest book in the Witch’s Path series is A Witch’s Magic: Michelle thought ridding the world of demons would return her life to the relative peace that existed before she knew demons were more than legend. Only everywhere she turns, magic seems to be going wrong. Now she’s facing a Trial by Magic, and her future as the next premier is in jeopardy. Is she witch enough to lead the clans?
In this interview, we discuss…
stories set in that intersection between magic and the everyday world
what her three series have in common
and the surprising reason she began writing magic procedurals in the first place.
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