When Star Trek’s Captain Janeway Defeated Fear

“But what does fear seek—at the end of the ride?”
—Captain Kathryn Janeway, Star Trek: Voyager

Over the years, various episodes of the Star Trek saga have touched on horrific conditions. These range from Star Trek: The Original Series (the episode “The Devil in the Dark”) to Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (the episode “All Those Who Wander”). In fact, for decades the various series have shared several scary episodes.

In the second season of Star Trek: Voyager, “The Thaw” (episode 23), the crew must fight with a bizarre computerized trauma. When they find settlers in artificial hibernation, chief engineer B'Elanna Torres and operations officer Harry Kim are sent inside the program to help—and are soon horrified by the weird circumstances they find.

I won’t give away the ending of the episode, but Captain Janeway has a great scene when she confronts the enemy.

The video below discusses one of the key scenes from the episode. Warning: If you haven’t watched the episode “The Thaw” yet, this video does contain spoilers. Feel free to scroll down to find links to other Star Trek and science fiction horror articles.

Scene Analysis : The Doctor versus Fear (The Thaw) | Lore Reloaded

From the channel Lore Reloaded: “Let’s take a look at one of two specific scenes from Voyager’s ‘The Thaw.’ I’m going to break down the technical aspects of the scene, along with the lore to show just how powerful it is.”

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Chris Well

Chris Well been a writer pretty much his entire life. (Well, since his childhood.) Over the years, he has worked in newspapers, magazines, radio, and books. He now is the chief of the website Monster Complex, celebrating monster stories in lit and pop culture. He also writes horror comedy fiction that embraces Universal Monsters, 1960s sitcoms, 1980s action movies, and the X-Files.


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