Fantasy Q&A: Alisha Howard (Two Worlds)
“I like for my readers to be able to relate to the characters I write!”
Fantasy author Alisha Howard explains the origins of her magical Two Worlds books, reveals the essential qualities of fantasy characters, and offers a peak at the end of the series.
Alisha Howard is a fantasy and paranormal romance author who lives in the middle of America with her husband, daughter and a handful of animals. She enjoys watching old Charmed episodes, reading Wikipedia articles and writing epic adventure series.
Click here for the Alisha Howard interview
Click here for the complete Two Worlds series in order
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At the beginning of the Two Worlds series, a normal teen finds that when she goes to sleep she finds herself on another planet—Turgor—and she has magical powers. What inspired you to write this series?
I originally wrote Awakener for my baby brother about a decade ago. He’s a lover of fantasy books. It started out as a short story and he loved it so much I eventually expanded it into a novel.
What about Kay and her sister, Nia, made you want to build your epic story around them? What do you consider the most important qualities for lead characters in this type of epic fantasy?
I think the characters are pretty fun to follow, which is why I center the story on them. They’re both pretty average kids who just happen to stumble upon a magical world. When I write their stories, I honestly feel like if I were one of them I’d do the exact same thing in their situations. I like for my readers to be able to relate to the characters I write!
There’s a companion story set on Turgor, The Death Walker Chronicles. How does this story complement the Two Worlds series?
The Death Walker Chronicles follows Kris, the Death Walker who teams up with Kay and Nia in the first book. Fans of the series follow him after the first book ends and they all part ways.
Why did you decide to serialize it?
Because when I finished writing Awakener I realized I wanted to know what would happen next haha!
Are The Death Walker Chronicles only available through email and on your website? (What made you decide to do it that way? Will they be available in some other format in the future?)
Yes, currently DWC is only available on my website and via email. I think I went this route simply because it's the easiest and fastest way to get a short work out to my fans. When the series is over, I'll compile it and offer it as a free e-book.
On the Run, The Two Worlds #3 is “coming soon.” When do you expect that one to be available? Will that be the end of the saga or do you have more plans for Turgor?
On the Run will be released in the next few months! I plan on writing two more books after it to complete the series.
Find Alisha Howard Online
Instagram: @alishamwrites
Facebook: @alishahowardauthor
Twitter: @alishamwrites
Awakener, Two Worlds Book 1
Most people dream when they sleep. At first I thought I was dreaming, too. I’m not that lucky. When I close my eyes, I don’t know if I’m coming back. Each and every night, it takes everything in me to survive.
Transference, Two Worlds Book 2
My life changed forever when I discovered Turgor. The days of being a normal teenager were suddenly replaced by new magical powers and an intense training regime for the storm of battle that’s brewing.
On the Run, Two Worlds Book 3 - Coming soon!
On the Run is the next chapter in The Two Worlds series! Kay and her friends are officially fugitives on the planet Turgor. What’s worse is her powers are out of control! Can she get it together in time to save the day?
The Death Walker Chronicles
I was asleep for centuries...and then I wasn’t. Now not only am I alive, but I am somehow bound to a teenage girl with her own set of powers who is fated to save the planet I have rested on. The prophecy says it is my destiny to help her. In order to do that, I'll have to keep her alive long enough save us all.
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